Friday, April 16, 2010

Saving the Best for Last

Our neighbour, Marge, called the other day asking if I'd like to paint this pretty basket of violas she had been given. I said I'd take a look. They were too cute to pass up and after the battle I did yesterday I had to get right back on the horse. But today, a bigger horse! Twelve inches square seems huge compared to the 6x6s I've been doing. This makes me smile when I think of the 4x6 foot canvases I've covered!

Basket of Violas

I've painted so many flowers in my life that they are second nature to me. I swear I could paint them in my sleep. Knowing that the basket would require some serious effort (and it did) I roughly blocked in the flowers and fully finished it first. And then, after a long day of standing at my easel, I took pleasure in finishing by fully developing the sweet violas. Sometimes it's a good idea to save the best for last.

Now that's three for the show!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Great to see you doing all these still lifes! When are you coming plein air painting with me?
