
Alice Saltiel-Marshall
#15 - 216 Three Sisters Drive
Canmore, Alberta
T1W  2M2

Phone: 403 678-2843

Please bear in mind that I am on Mountain Time
and honour my request to call only between 9am and 9pm.  Thank you.


  1. Hello Alice,
    Love your mixed media pieces!

    Marilyn Lambert Gerwing

    1. Many thanks, Marilyn!
      I've seen your recent works and they make me swoon! Of course the art you made years ago did that to me as well!
      Your "Painter's Muse" is stunning. I can hardly believe (except I KNOW you did) that you built the entire thing yourself, by hand!

  2. Hello Alice can you plz tell me how I can find out the value of your art plz?

    1. Just let me know which painting(s) you are interested in and I will advise.

  3. Hello, I have the most beautiful black and white drawing of a moose, a print I think. It's just signed Saltiel. Is this you? I actually have more than one, I also have a big cat, cougar I think. They are absolutely beautiful. Not sure if they are worth anything but it doesn't matter, I wouldn't part with them anyway. Just wanted to compliment you.

    1. Yes, Sharon, they are my drawings. If you don't recognize the images on the page below, it's because in 1982 I introduced 6 new images replacing the 6 which I had drawn in 1973.

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  6. Hello Alice, have been meaning to look you up for ages. I have two of your prints from water colour originals. the head of a lynx and the head of a cougar. dated 1979. they are not numbered, and I cannot find them on any sites. could you please tell me a little about them. thank you. Shawn.

  7. Hello Alice, I have 2 of your prints from water colours, they are both heads one of a lynx and one of a cougar. dated 1979, and not numbered. could you please tell me a little about them. thank you

  8. I have 2 paintings,both of big cats, that have your signature on them. I would love some information about these prints/paintings. Would it be best for me to send a photo of each and email them to you? They are professionally framed,and are very beautiful.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you.

    Warmest regards,
    Selene Becker
