In a phone call from a gentleman, who had received one of my little paintings, which I'd framed and mailed to him, he told me about how he had held the painting up against various different walls around his home. Unable to decide where it looked best he just sat it down on a book shelf to give it all more thought. He found it looked very well right there and so that is where it will stay.
I'm very fond of displaying these little paintings on shelves or furniture the way I have placed this one, on our sideboard, surrounded by candlesticks. Consider displaying these little fellows this way!

Stem Dance oil 6" x 6" NFS
Hi Alice: Love the little painting, and especially am interested in the wonderful little frame -may I ask where you got it from?
Thanks, Sharon. Meg Nicks, at Sunny Raven Gallery in Canmore makes them up with off cuts. I loved this frame so much I had to keep it and then when I put it on this painting I had to keep the painting too!