The big day has come and gone, Sharlene has opened her gifts and so now I can show you the painting that I sent to her ...

Christmas Eve, I rolled out the gingerbread dough. At Larry's urging Denise designed our wonky, little ginger bread house. Using the pattern she made I cut out the pieces and baked them. Then, with the remaining dough, Larry and I cut out a bunch of cookies.
By Christmas morning the pieces were hardened and ready to be assembled. Check out the house in progress here:
It met it's demise when Larry and our friend, Steve, smashed it after dinner on Boxing day. There is a 30 second video (yes that just how little time it takes to wreck it ... far less in fact!) but I can't seem to link it here.
Our Christmas photos can bee seen at these following links ...
Christmas Eve:
Christmas Morning:
Christmas Night: