The fluorescent light fixture in The Anne Frank Room has died. I have a call into the electrician, but I don't want to paint down there anyway, so I've set up shop in the play house. It's not heated, nor does it have electricity. I run an extension cord into it from the garage. Bill calls it a garden shed and I suppose that's what it really is. After all we do store garden furniture in it, during the winter. But, the lawn mower is definitely not allowed in there.
The sign above the door reads ALICE'S WONDERLAND |
Since I was a kid, I've wanted a play house and that's what I call it. So there.
Although it's a long way from being finished, today I managed to get this 18" x 24" linen panel all coloured in. It's a gift for a wedding we'll be attending, August 27th. I asked the bride and groom for input and they provided photos of where the ceremony will take place. At Quarry Lake, Canmore, with the beautiful back drop of the Lawrence Grassi Range and Ha Ling Peak, on the right. The latter was formerly known as Chinaman's Peak, which is what this stubborn gal still calls it!