How fortunate am I in the number of times I've had the privilege to hike and/or paint at Lake O'Hara? The area is rich with concentrated beauty and jewel coloured mountain lakes abound. My first visit was in 1982 and although it was a decade before my second trip, I have been so often since that I've lost track of the multi-night stays and day trips there. A common denominator is always sharing the good times with friends and family.
This past weekend was no exception. Laura originally arranged this trip as a coming together of her women in farewell. In August, she and Adam are moving to Libya. Since booking the Alpine Club of Canada's Elizabeth Parker Hut (for the night of June 26th) they became engaged. This then saw the event transformed to a stagette! Denise encouraged ladies to bring crazy dress-up clothes for the bride-to-be. This is how we (their aunt and I) found them on the Lake Oesa trail ...

The evening festivities were delightful. In the morning 14 women caught early buses out. That left just me and my girls to do a precious hike alone together. Here we are at Schaeffer Lake ...
... and at our destination. Lake McArthur is still frozen and there is tons of snow up there yet. But look, see just how beautiful it is! For more photos please click here:
It's been over a week since my last post and I must tell you that it could be as long or longer before I am able to get back here. On July 2nd, for two weeks, Laura and I will be in Montreal and Quebec City!