Skimmerhorn Grapes 2015 oil 24" x 18" |
Two weeks ago this grape painting was just a concept, a belated, idle promise. When I finally set aside a block of time to make it a reality I invited Judy Dahl to paint along with me. I've got to hand it to her for being brave in biting off an unfamiliar subject on such a large scale. Judy turned up every day that I spent on this painting, to work hard and very diligently on her "twin piece".
With Judy at the Linderman Law Art Room |
There are a multitude of ways to begin a painting. For each work, I let The Muse dictate the approach and this time she said "Start with an un-tinted (white) canvas and paint your drawing with burnt umber." I find it best to establish the darkest darks and lightest lights, then wash in the mid-tones using paint thinned with odour-less thinner.
For this image I drew from two different photos I'd taken one October afternoon at the gorgeous Skimmerhorn Winery in Creston, B.C.
Skimmerhorn Grapes at the end of day one |
With the composition established and because burnt umber is a fast drying pigment we were able able to proceed in colour the very next day.
Conclusion of day two |
After the first day of "colouring it in" it tends to bog down to where it may not be easy to see the progression, but below are the subsequent days ...
Conclusion of day three |
Conclusion of day four |
Firstly, I'm blessed to know the satisfaction of painting, period, but then when I'm so fortunate to be on the receiving end of immense gratitude, it doubles my pleasure and joy.
On January 28th, I finally delivered on my promise ...
Skimmerhorn Grapes lives at Debie and Dean's house now |
I am no stranger to painting grapes, they are a theme I return to again and again. Anywhere in the world, I chase down autumn vineyards to photograph plump, ripe specimens hanging heavily on the vines. From my archives here are a few other paintings that you may be interested in seeing.
The Noble Vine 2003 oil 18" x 24" |
Grapes Over a Doorway in Gault, France 2004 oil 24" x 14" |
Jewels of Provence 2004 oil 18" x 24" |